This is Srey Na. She is a very kind, hard working, quiet, patient young lady. Her home visit was the
first one done at the beginning of 2024. She is the youngest of eight children. Some of her siblings are
married, with their own families, making her an aunt already. Some of those children who live nearby,
come to their grandparents during the day while the parents work.
SreyNa is in the first class of 7 to be baptized. She is now a child of God under His wings.
She is an avid reader and each day comes early to learn to read more, in English. She is a very willing
helper at each church service and english class. In the future she could be an excellent English teacher
in a village school if that is her calling. She is passionate to learn. She cares for those around her too.
Srey Na’s parents are in their 50’s, with very little educational exposure. They have applied for poverty
status to the village chief as the father was quite ill two months ago and needed medical care. Both
parents are engaged in basket weaving for an income. Her dad is in fragile health these days.
The parents were born during khmer rouge. They have lived in this house since 2011. 6 grandchildren
stay while parents work. No compensation, sometimes there is a bit of food. Receives $2.50 per woven
basket from the selling agent, which takes two days to make one. Smaller ones $1.25. Mainly eats a
fish diet, but many times their diet is only rice. Total loans are $4250 that include the house, and the
other loans are $500 each (2) and $250 to purchase reed supplies when not available in the area or are
for daily needs. At this time is only paying the interest on the loans, nothing on the principal.